Check out The Cat Fanciers Association web site for more information on Maine Coons, British Shorthairs and other breeds
Hello, I'm Liz, I breed and show Maine Coons and British Shorthairs.
I belong to the Maine Coon Cat Club which is a member of The Cat Fanciers Association. The Maine Coon is the native American longharied cat and was recognized as a specific breed in Maine
where they were held in high regard for their mousing talents. Through nature's own breeding program, this breed has developed
into a sturdy cat ideally suited to the harsh winters and varied seasons of the region.
British Shorthairs are Britian's native working breed. Originally called the
British Blue they now come in almost all colors and patterns. A very sturdy, muscular cat with a dense short coat, Brits are
said to have more hairs per square inch than any other breed. They are good mousers but not necessarily birders, they prefer
terra ferma. After taking care of the stray kittens left by mom at my door step, I decided I wanted to pick the
next cat to come into the house, how could I have chosen anything other than a Maine Coon.